PC or Laptop ?

In this world there are a lot of debates about things the confuse people between two or more things. we humans always get confused between two things that what should we choose between them. It is too confusing and some times, we even make some bad and huge mistakes between choosing those things. one of the most argued debated are what to choose between a PC ( personal computer ) or a Laptop. a lot of different people have different choices but still beginners get confused choosing between a PC or a laptop. In this article or blog , we are going to talk about the right choice between them and their pros and cons . so with out wasting any time, lets move ahead. 

PC specs 

Personal computer or PC has a lot of high specs and it is better in compare to laptop in terms of gaming field and editing field. it  can be modified in to a lot of different variants . people can manually build it and put RAM, graphic card and processor according to our need and choices. PC are highly recommendable if you are a gamer and it is best for gaming. it is also good for editing as it can easily run any type of editing software smoothly. 

laptop specs 

laptops are so easy to carry as it is foldable and it takes so less space inside the bag. but the con is that it is so low end . it only works good for study purpose and different official purpose. it is not good for gaming and it is also too bad for editing purpose.

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